  • 期刊


The Relationship between Variations of the Fish Fauna and Water Quality of the Feitsui Reservoir in Taiwan (1)


國外近十年來漸重視似生物控制水質管理法達到淨化湖泊水庫水質的目的,對於長久以來一直以化學及物理不法作爲管理水質的策略,提供另一種研究方法。 翡翠水庫管理局自l980年水庫啟用以來,持續建立水質資料,l988年起也進行包括魚類的水生生物監測計畫,但在2001至2005年間卻中斷魚類相調查。因此,本研究自2006年6月至2007年12月實地調查水庫內魚種組成,且與1997年至2000年捕獲魚類的文獻資料比較其變化。水庫內不同水域的魚類相調查,包括水庫內上中下游共八個水域。以流刺網法、八卦網、陷阱、釣具等複合性魚法捕獲魚類。以相似性指數及重量、尾數百分比計算魚類密度,再將每季捕獲魚重量、魚種密度及生物整合指數,與各季節的總磷、葉綠素a、透明度、藻數量等四項水質優養化因子進行相關性分析,研究不同水域魚種數量變化與水質之關係。 研究結果顯示,2000年捕獲的中大型優勢魚種高身鯽及黑鰱的捕獲重量百分比己較現在明顯降低,而紅鰭鲌與雜交吳郭魚有取代高身鯽成爲水庫內優勢魚種的趨勢。小型魚種大眼華鯿及(歺又魚)條的尾數百分比般高,其中(歺又魚)條與斑駁尖塘鱧爲2006年在水庫內第一次被捕獲約新增魚種。黑鰱、鯉魚、高身鯽等中大型鯉科魚類,分別在春季與夏秋季時與葉綠素a的相關性較高,判斷應與食性有關。本研究依水庫魚類組成出現季節與水域的調查結果,與翡翠水庫長期監測的水質資料進行比較分析。結果得知,在肉食性魚類在群聚數量較高水域與透明度偏低現象有較明顯負相關性。至於其他分類魚種與水質的相關性尚無法作明確探討。期望後續建立的食性分析結果能獲得適當之水生動物水質指標,建立更完整的基礎資料,提供水庫水源保護與管理策略之重要參考依據。


The fish fauna contains the wide ranges of nutrition and is located at the high level of the food chain of the aquatic, so the fish fauna has close relations with the change of water quality. Feitsui Reservoir is one of the important collection watersheds in the north of Taiwan. It have had successively biology monitored plan successively since 198S, but reported no researches of relation between fish and water quality after 2000. The object of this study is to investigate the varieties of the fish and study the relation between the variations of fish mass and water quality in order to offer the sustainable for the Feitsui Reservoir administrations. The result of this study shows that percentage of catching weight from the original dominant species of larger cyprinids, Sinibrama macrops, Carassius cuvieri, were lower than the eight years ago. Cutter erythropterus and Oreocluromis .cp. have replaced Carassius cuvieri to become the new dominant species in Feitsui Reservoir, In the small size fish, the number of Sinibrama macrops and Hemiculter leucisculus is the highest. In the first time, Hemiculter leucisculus and Oxyeleotris marmorata are the new non-native species in Feitsui Reservoir that were caught at 2006. The larger cyprinids Sinibrama macrops, Cyprinus carpio carpio, Carassius cuvieri have the higher correlation with chlorophyll-a in spring, summer and autumn separately. This phenomenon possibly comes from the feeding habits. The ecosystem may be produced and changed gradually due to the raising of non-native species during 2000 to 2006. We propose that the monitoring of variation in the condition of fish should be carried out continuously, and establish the continuous, correlative information between fish and water quality.


