  • 期刊


Planning on Reviving Use of Water Ponds on Taoyuan Aerotropolis


桃園國際機場不僅是國家門面,也扮演推動經濟的要角。桃園縣政府積極推動「桃園航空城」計畫,提出「桃園航空城168,台灣一路發」的願景。預期此地區將具有極大之觀光潛力,因此本研究將就桃園農田水利會位於桃園航空城。(大園地區)現有埤塘設施、土地與週邊環境進行了解,探討農田水利會利用埤塘進行再生利用之可行方案,以籌措自有財源,增加營運資金。 桃園航空城埤塘群是一個具有國際機場、花卉專業區、生態園區(賞烏),集各種優勢條件的區域,故本研究選擇此區域進行埤塘觀光遊憩群之規劃,比規劃以飛翔之美爲本區之願景,將埤塘群打造成桃園飛鳥區,在配合區域地景、歷史及自然保育相關景點,以展翅高飛爲主軸,結合4-12號池、5-11號池、7-12號池、7-13號池、7-14號池與7-15號池,並配合國際機場與溪海花卉園區進行埤塘觀光遊憩功能營造規劃。依據規劃結果,進行建置費用估算,其中經費分爲二大部份,第1部份爲埤塘綠美化部份,第2部份爲設施部份,對於綠美化部份,建議由政府或農田水利會進行投資,此部份經費不列入成本效益分析中:設施部份之總工程建造費爲1.56億元,益本比爲1.10,值得進行後續之細部規劃。 營運管理上,考量農田水利會與民間企業之專業能力與管理機制,建議農田水利會未來執行多功能營運時,可採農田水利會與民間企業合作方式進行,本研究依多功能營運方案之類別,建議營運管理方式如下:觀光遊憩設施之規劃由農田水利會負責,施工部份則可由合作之民間公司來執行,水源及用水調配由農田水利會執行,觀光遊憩之營運部份委由合作之民間公司來經營。


埤塘 多功能營運 水利會


The Taoyuan International Airport is not only the country entrance but also the key role as enhancing economics. The Taoyuan County Government is setting the ”Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan” into action, and proposing the vision of ”Taoyuan Aerotropolis 168 and Taiwan keeps prosperous.” It is expected that the Taoyuan area will have tremendous potential for sightseeing. Therefore, this study tries to investigate the existing pond facilities, lands and surrounding environment over Taoyuan Aerotropolis (Tayuan area) of the Taoyuan Irrigation Association. The study finds out the feasibility programs for reviving use of farm ponds by the Association. The Association can then collect its own financial sources and increase operation funding. The pond group of Taoyoan Aerotropolis is an area with many advantageous conditions, such as the international airport, flower gardening area, and ecological parks (bird sightseeing). The pond group is selected for the planning of pond sightseeing and touring. The vision for the planning is the beauty of flying. The pond group becomes the Taoyuan bird area. Combing with area landscape, history and nature conservation spots, the main topic follows ”To soar to great heights”. The ponds of No. 4-12, 5-11, 7-12, 7-13, 7-14 and 7-15 are linked together. The construction planning of sightseeing and recreation for the ponds is processes with the international airport and Hsi-hai flower gardening area. According to the planning results, the establishment cost is estimated, and it is divided into two parts. The first part is for pond greening and beautification. The second part is for facilities. It is suggested that the government or the irrigation association invests for the first part, and this part is not included in the analysis of cost and benefit. The total engineering construction cost for the facilities is NT$1.56*10^8 and the benefit-to-cost ratio is 1.10. It is worthy of subsequent planning for the details. As for operation and management, it is suggested that the irrigation association may adopt the cooperation way between non-governmental business and itself for multi-function Operation, with consideration of specialty capability and management mechanism. For the management and operation, this study suggests the followings. The planning for sightseeing and recreation facilities is handled by the irrigation association. Engineering construction is executed by the non-government business company. Water resources and utilization allocation are operated by the irrigation association, while the operation of the sightseeing and recreation is by the company.
