  • 期刊


Measuring Discharge by Using the Velocity Meter to Wade Across the Shallow Flow


臺灣河川於枯水時期,水流深度甚淺且水流速度太小。此時,旋杯式流速儀(Price type AA)等較大型的流速儀設備無法浸末於水中,因而無法使用這些設備量測水流速度。所以此時流量量測通常無法使用傳統方式,如:利用旋杯式流速儀從橋上進行吊測。故對於淺水流之流量量測需選擇適當儀器進行之,因而本研究於林邊溪流域,選擇位處屏東縣林邊鄉來義大橋處,以超音波數位流速儀(Acoustic Digital Current Metter, ADC)與數位水流速度儀(Digital water velocity meter, FP111 Global Flow Probe)進行淺水流時期之實驗,以探討兩種不同特性與原理之儀器的適用性。研究結果顯示兩種儀器只要水深可以浸末其量測探頭的情形下,均可使用之,然而考量量測時對於流場量測點的干擾性,則以ADC干擾較小,因而較FP111適合於此種流量情況下進行量測。


During the low water period, the water depth of streams in Taiwan is very shallow and the velocity is too slow. At this time, larger velocity measurement equipments such as Price Type AA current meter cannot be completely submerged in water so that are unable to be applied to measure the velocity. This study is conducted in Linbian river basin, selecting Laiyi Bridge in Linbian Township as the gauging station. The research uses Acoustic Digital Current Meter (ADC) and Digital water velocity meter (FP111) to measure the discharge during the shallow flow in order to explore the applicability and deviation of the two equipments which have different features and principles. The result indicates that both equipments can be applied to measure the discharge on the shallow flow. However, ADC is more applicable than FP111 to measure velocity in shallow flow because the ADC interferes with flow field relatively smaller than FP111.
