  • 期刊


A Study on Rice Yield and Water Saving Efficiency for Irrigation Management Practice


乾旱為一無法避免之天然事件,近年來因受極端氣候影響,更提昇了乾旱頻率及強度,如何藉由節水灌溉措施,建立乾旱時期灌溉用水之營運管理方式,期以降低乾旱缺水對農業生產所造成之衝擊,此乃從事水資源研究者規劃之重要課題。本研究目的,以嘉南農田水利會學甲灌溉技術推廣中心之試驗田,於2003年2月23日~11月7日實施田間試驗,探討水稻於分蘗期(tiller stage)與開花期(blooming stage)之生育階段別,開始實施100%與80%之灌溉水量與7、10、13天輪灌期距之節水灌溉處理,解析在不影響水稻產量之前提下,水稻之耐旱程度、最低用水量及輪灌期距,且輔以作物產量反應因子(ky),建立水稻節水率與減產率之相關性,期能有效提昇缺水期之灌溉用水效能。研究結果顯示,在減產率與節水率之綜合評估,一、二期水稻於開花期實施100%之灌溉水量輔以7天輪灌期距之灌溉處理時,其對產量影響甚微,且有14%~7.4%之節水效能。就作物產量反應因子而言,一、二期水稻於開花期之Ky值為0.69、1.13皆較分蘗期之Ky值為0.61、1.06為高,顯示開花期應優先提供作物生長所需之灌溉水量,上述成果可供缺水期水稻田間灌溉操作與用水調配管理之應用。


Drought is a natural and inevitable event. Due to recent climate variation, the frequency and severity of drought has been increased. How to establish irrigation management process to reduce the impact on agriculture production has become the primary issue for agriculture water resource manager.The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between the productivity of paddy rice and different irrigation ration controls during tiller stage and blooming stage by field experiment (from February 2003 to November 2003) at irrigation center in Chia-Nan Irrigation Association. The goal is to attain the degree of drought tolerance and the optimum irrigation timing and interval of paddy rice without compromising on yield. This information will lead to the minimum water requirements under different drought conditions, accompanied with the crop yield response factor (Ky). These requirements can also serve as the foundation for the irrigation bureau to implement a feasible irrigation ration policy.The results indicate that, considering the yield and water saving for irrigation, with 100% irrigation depth and 7days rotation irrigation interval for first and second paddy rice in blooming stage, irrigation water can be saved for about 14%~7.4% but the yield is only slightly influenced. The Ky value of blooming stage is higher than that of tiller stage, implying that the water supply at blooming stage has higher priority than that of at tiller stage in irrigation.


