  • 期刊


Integrated Biomanipulation and Micro-Bubble Aerator Treatment Landscape Ponds Water for National Taiwan University Drunken Moon Lake


臺灣大學醉月湖於每年春、夏、秋三季均會發生藻華,造成水質優養化現象。本研究結合生物水質管理法與物理法進行醉月湖水體水質改善。生物水質管理法係先移除醉月湖內對水質有害之魚種,再投入可濾食藻類之魚類,利用食物鏈方式進行水中藻類的去除;物理曝氣法係將底層供氧為主的微細氣泡曝氣設備配置於醉月湖內,創造底水層的水體緩慢流動,持續補充底層溶氧,減少水體底層優養化發生的機率。實驗結果顯示,移除醉月湖內有害魚種及放養黑鰱後,水中藻個數有明顯下降的趨勢;底層曝氣增氧設備使醉月湖底層水體溶氧從0.5~2.4 ppm 提高至3.1~6.6ppm。本研究結合生物水質管理法與微細氣泡底層曝氣物理法,經過長時間的現地調查與設備操作,數據顯示,不但可有效減少水體淨化時間,更能大幅降低淨化成本,對於封閉型湖庫之淨化,具有良好之效益。同時希冀其基礎數據能提供國內景觀湖泊水質管理方法之參考。


Drunken Moon Lake in National Taiwan University drunk every spring, summer and autumn algal blooms will occur, causing water eutrophication. This study applied the biomanipulation and a micro-bubble aerator treatment landscape pond in the Drunken Moon Lake. Biomanipulation is involving removal of planktivorous fish, the pelagic food web from fish to algae manipulation. Physical aeration use micro-bubble aerator created a slow flow water bottom water, the underlying continuous supply of dissolved oxygen, reducing the chance of bottom eutrophication occurs. We analyzed the correlation between water quality, algae, zooplanktons and fishes in the Drunken Moon Lake, and a micro-bubble aerator was installed in lake to aerate and mix the water. Experiment was conducted to test and verify such combinations and evaluate its performance and removal mechanisms. A micro-bubble aerator improve Drunken Moon Lake bottom water dissolved oxygen from the 0.5~2.4 ppm increased to 3.1~6.6 ppm. The result indicated that the biomanipulation and a micro-bubble aerator was with a great potential in treating and recycled the lake water with stable operation and satisfactory removal performance.


