  • 期刊


Green Technology for Non-Point Source Control in Agriculture


農業活動所造成的非點源污染物會隨降雨或灌溉經由地表逕流、中間流及地下水流等傳輸方式進入周圍的水體,對水質造成負面影響。這項研究的主要目的為評估使用綠色防治技術對於農業非點源污染的控制效率。結果顯示,相較於化學肥料,有機肥料其可溶性成分含量較高,更易因降雨沖刷而流失,入滲水與地表逕流中氮含量呈現以下趨勢:過量施肥(120 %)>全量施肥(100 %)>半量施肥+生物菌劑(50 %)>無施肥(0 %)。值得注意的是磷酸鹽養分流失表現不同的趨勢,因添加含有溶磷菌之生物菌劑,將土壤中固定的無機磷轉換成水溶性磷。此外,試驗結果也反映出農田中肥料施用後之營養鹽流失,主要受降雨事件沖刷淋洗所致。藉由減少肥料施用量並結合生物菌劑使用等作為,可發現作物收成與施用全量肥料相若,而過度施用肥料未必然促進植物生長,亦可能導致作物損傷及氮肥損失。本研究採用的綠色防治技術,可有效地減少農業活動造成的非點源污染,並維持農作物的整體生長和產量。


Non-point source pollution resulting from agricultural activities may enter neighboring water bodies through surface, intermediate, or groundwater flows due to rainfall or irrigation and cause negative impacts on water quality. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency for using green farming technology for agricultural non-point source pollution control. The results show that organic fertilizers are more likely to be washed out by rainfall or irrigation due to their higher content of soluble components as compared to chemical fertilizers. The analytical results showed that the concentrations of nitrogen nutrients in both infiltration water and surface runoff exhibited the following trend: over-fertilization (120 %) > full fertilization (100 %) > microbial agents + half fertilization (50 %) > zero fertilization (0 %). It is worth noting that the washed-away phosphate nutrient demonstrated a different trend because the addition of microbial agents, including phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, converted fixed inorganic phosphorus in the soil into water-soluble phosphorus. In addition, the experimental results proved that the loss of nutrients in the farmland after fertilizer application is mainly caused by the scouring and leaching in rainfall events. By combining the fertilizer reduction and microbial agents, the crop yield remained similar to that with full amount of fertilizer (100 %) application. Over-dose application in fertilizer may not necessarily promote the crop growth, but may cause crop damage and fertilizer loss. The green farming technology employed in this study can effectively reduced non-point source pollution from agricultural activities without impairing the overall growth and yield of crops.
