  • 期刊




磺港溪上游具有豐富的溫泉資源。然而近年因觀光發展,大量溫泉放流水排入溪中,對溪流生態造成不同程度的衝擊。然而過去對磺港溪之生態調查資料有限,對於溫泉放流水的何種成分影響溪流生態最劇亦無詳細分析。因此本研究旨在進行磺港溪水環境與水生生態調查,評估上下游中受溫泉放流水污染與未受污染之河段,其不同季節下水質與生態的變化。調查地點均位於磺港溪主河段上,從上游至下游共計六個採樣點,涵蓋未受汙染河段以及經過硫磺谷、泉源泡腳池與復興泡腳池三處溫泉放流水下游河段,以及與北投溪之匯流口下游,並以每月一次之頻率進行調查。研究結果顯示,磺港溪上游較未受污染之河段水質部分項目與下游受污染河段差異甚大,上游點位平均pH約7.31±0.39,下游平均約4.72±1.93,下游明顯偏低;下游硫酸鹽平均(142.02±110.78 mg/L)也約為上游(44.56±21.51 mg/L)的三倍以上,而生物多樣性與物種指標之結果也顯示未受污染的點位優於受污染點位。在季節影響的部分,各河段各種水質參數在不同季節中大多並無呈現差異,僅各河段水溫在夏季皆高於各河段其他季節。而水生生物在季節上呈現的差異,除了魚類以外,其於無論是無脊椎動物、螺、蝦、貝類等捕捉數春夏季皆高於秋季。分析其生態與環境因子關聯後發現,影響原生物種最劇烈的可能因子主要為水體中的硫酸鹽、pH、氨氮以及硝酸鹽濃度等,而對於紅蟲等耐受性高的生物則不受溫泉廢水排放影響。


Huang-Gan River locates in the Da-Tun mountain area with abundant resources for hot spring industry. However, the hot spring discharge also influent the downstream ecosystems considerably. While few studies have been comprehensively surveying the biodiversity in the un-contaminated and contaminated stream in this area. The key physiochemical properties that are responsible to the degraded ecosystems were yet known. Thus, this study tried to determine the biodiversity of the Huang-Gan River from the un-contaminated upstream area to downstream. A total of six sampling spots were selected on the river, and chemical and biological properties were examined throughout a year. The results showed that the pH values decreased from 7.31 to 4.72 when the stream flowed through the hot spring discharge. In addition, the sulfate concentration increased from 44.56 to 142.02 mg/L. The amounts of native aquatic species and bio-indicators also decreased grammatically after the stream flows downstream. In addition, the physiochemical properties except water temperature were similar in all sampling sites in different seasons. The water temperature was significantly higher in summer than in spring and fall. While aquatic species except fish were found having higher population in spring and summer. The physiochemical properties that influent the native species the most were the pH, sulfate, nitrate and ammonium concentrations. On the other hand, red worms were not influenced by any of the physiochemical properties determined in this study.


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