  • 期刊

Design and Implementation of a CORBA-based Reconfigurable Software System for Distributed Manufacturing



全球化競爭和快速變遷的市場需求,促使製造業者改變生產方式與製造系統架構,基於應用電腦輔助製造的趨勢,提供全球化網路服務已成為在市場競爭的關鍵因素。現有的CAD/CAM系統通常設計為單機單人之環境運作,因此,製造環境的溝通和協同之整合常受到限制,而使用網路來溝通及交換資訊,將有大大改善生產效率、增加企業各部門人力資源應用的優勢。此外,製造系統必須不斷地適應各種生產狀況的需求,並在產品品質提升的趨勢中有效運作,上述的系統架構必須及時反應可變性與可重組性,以達到有效運用工程活動中的組件和設備。 本研究提出一個可重組式分散製造系統平台以因應各種工程活動,如概念設計、工件加工及檢測。該系統是以CORBA規範(Common Object Request Broker Architecture)和用戶端-伺服端技術所發展,文中將敘述開發的系統架構、實作雛形和初步測試結果。此系統基於模組化及分散式環境設計,使位於不同地點的各項工程活動,經由網路整合而快速重組,以因應客戶需要而改變的各種需求。




Global competition and rapidly changing market demands have forced manufacturing companies to change the production style and configuration of manufacturing organizations. Owing to the trend of using the computer aided technology in manufacturing, providing global network service has become the key factor to survive in the changing market. Current CAD/CAM systems are usually designed to operate in an isolated environment and are unable to communicate with each other. Therefore, the communication and collaboration as well as integration of the manufacturing environments are often limited. To enhance the advantage of the dispersed department and personnel among various enterprises, the use of network to communicate and exchange information can greatly improve the production efficiency. Moreover, manufacturing system should accommodate various kinds of demands of production condition and functional operation in the tendency of upgrading the products constantly. The above system structure must response the changeability and reconfigurability in time to effectively use the components and equipments in the engineering activities. In this research, a reconfigurable software platform for distributed manufacturing is proposed to cope with various engineering activities such as concept design, part machining and inspection. The proposed system is developed based on the CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) standard and client-server technologies. The developed architecture, a prototype implementation and some preliminary test results are described in this paper. The proposed system is designed on the basis of modular concept and distributed environment so that the various manufacturing activities at different sites can be integrated and reconfigured rapidly on the Internet to adapt to the changing demands of customer requirements.
