  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience of a Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis-Related ESRD




This article is about the nursing care plan of maintenance hemodialysis in a 77-year-old male patient with end-stage renal disease(ESRD) attributed to tuberous sclerosis. Roy adaptation model was used to assess the patient. By means of physical examination techniques, direct observation, and interview, relevant information was collected and a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship was developed. Meanwhile, nursing diagnoses established were high risk of infection and compromised family coping. During hospitalization, after the basic physiological needs were satisfied, the care plan for hemodialysis treatment was discussed with the patient's primary healthcare physicians and nurses, and the primary caretaker was also contacted to establish a regular medical connection. These skills not only help to mitigate the infection of the patient and maintain a balance between fluids and electrolytes, but they also relieved the patient's anxiety towards the disease especially through relaxation therapy. Family members were also guided to provide positive reinforcement and to maintain a functional support system. Primary caretaker was also instructed to follow the concept of consistent care and caring skills in order to help the patient to be discharged as planned and to attend follow-ups.
