  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Oral Care Frequency in the Oral Health of Patients with Endotracheal Tube Intubation


經口放置氣管內管會影響病人口腔健康,而口腔照護是重症護理工作中的基礎護理實務,有效地口腔照護可增進病人舒適度與預防口腔感染。本研究旨在於比較不同口腔照護頻次對於放置氣管內管病人在口腔健康程度之差異。本研究採類實驗性設計,於某醫學中心加護病房進行收案,對照組及實驗組各30名。由重症護理人員依據「口腔照護標準流程」分別對實驗組之個案進行每日三次之口腔照護,而對照組則給予每日一次,每日使用口腔健康評估表(Oral Assessment Guide, OAG)評估口腔健康程度。研究結果顯示兩組病人之口腔健康程度整體分數沒有顯著差異,然在口腔照護第八天,兩組病人之舌頭/口腔黏膜項目呈現顯著差異。建議制定口腔照護常規中可增加口腔潤濕頻次,來增加舌頭/ 口腔粘膜的健康程度,進而促進重症病人口腔健康。


Oral endotracheal tube plays an important role in the oral health of critically ill patients. Oral health care is also a basic nursing procedure in critical nursing care. An effective oral health care will improve patients' comfort and prevent oral infection. The purpose of our study is to compare with the different oral care frequency in the oral health of intubated patients. Quasiexperimental design was used and patients were enrolled from a medical intensive care unit of a medical center. 30 participants were enrolled into an experimental group and control group respectively. According to the ”oral care standard procedure guideline”, nursing staff performed oral care three times a day for patients in the experimental group and once daily for patients in the control group. Oral health was evaluated daily by oral assessment guide (OAG). The results demonstrated no differences in overall score between both patient groups. However, the score in tongue/oral mucosa item was significantly different on the 8th day between both patient groups. In order to promote the oral health of critically ill patients, we recommend increasing the frequency of oral moistening in routine oral care procedure in order to promote tongue/oral mucosa's health.


oral care oral health endotracheal tube


