  • 期刊


Literature Review of the Prevalence of End-of-life Symptoms in Children


兒童生命末期照護為新興的學門,在台灣更處於剛起步的階段,因此,希望能藉由文獻回顧,瞭解兒童生命末期症狀的盛行率,以促進兒童安寧照護之發展。透過Medline-Ovid SP、華藝中文網、台灣期刊論文索引系統與人工搜尋的方式,尋找1995-2011年間與兒童末期症狀相關之文獻,由作者共同評定、討論文章納入分析的適宜性,共計8篇英文文獻符合括入條件。結果顯示兒童生命末期症狀盛行率的研究,主要以癌症病童為對象,目前仍偏重生理症狀的探討,相較之下心理及靈性症狀的資料較為缺乏。當病童出現神經系統症狀時,為兒童接近死亡與家屬開始準備孩子死亡的重要時間,而呼吸困難則為病情惡化的關鍵警訊。在兒童生命末期照護中,生理症狀不應是唯一的關注,當醫療出現極限,情緒的支持與促進瀕死兒童靈性的成長極待發展,而安寧照護的推動可以有效改善病童的症狀。


兒童 生命末期 症狀 文獻回顧


Pediatric end-of-life care is a field newly emerged at the beginning of development in Taiwan. Through a literature review, we hope to better understand the prevalence of end-of-life symptoms in children, in order to facilitate the development of pediatric hospice care. Articles published between 1995 and 2011 regarding pediatric end-of-life symptoms were retrieved by searches from Medline-SP and Chinese Medical Literature Database, as well as by a manual search, totally 8 English articles that fit the search criteria were identified. The subjects were primarily pediatric cancer patients with physiological symptoms being the main symptoms investigated. In contrast, psychological and spiritual symptoms were scarcely reported. The appearance of neurological symptoms is often an indicator that death is approaching. The onset of dyspnea signals a marked worsening of the child's condition, and the start of a critical period in which the parents should prepare for their child's impending death. At the life end of children, physiological symptoms should not be the only focus. When medicine has reached its limit, emotional and spiritual supports should become the focus of end of life care. Promotion of hospice care which emphasizes on relieving physical, psychological, and spiritual sufferings, may effectively improve symptoms in the dying child.


children end of life symptoms literature review


