  • 期刊


An Intensive Care Experience with a Patient Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease




This paper described an intensive care nursing experience with a patient suffering from obstructive pulmonary disease with severe cases of initial intubation treatment. This patient was successfully removed from the breathing apparatus. The nursing care period was from January 29th to February 16th in 2012. Data was collected under the frame of ”Gordon's 11-item Functional Health Status” together with physical examination, interviews and daily nursing care. We found that the patient had problems including gas exchange barrier, activity intolerance, anxiety and a lack of response capacity. In collaboration with the case, the medical team and the family participated in the progressive breathing exercises and activities to promote the program, and had a complete care plans with different teams. Therefore, the patients would eventually be relieved from the breathing apparatus and released from the hospital by in-home respiratory care and community resources. We encourage the family to participate in increasing self-help ability of the patient in order to help the patient receive a complete nursing process.


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