  • 期刊


Acupressure Can Alleviate Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)-Evidence and Clinical Application


Clinically, chemotherapy-induced side effects include nausea and vomiting. These are two of the most common side effects which could easily lead to the patient's discomfort and affect the patient's decision to continue to receive chemotherapy. In recent years, massage therapy is often used in Western aid in order to alleviate the physical symptoms of the disease or to ease discomfort after the treatment process. The authors would like to know whether giving a massage can help to relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Based on evidence-based reviewed, including three randomized controlled trials and one systematic review article, the conclusion stand that intervention massage (Neiguan) can reduce nausea effectively. According to repeated measures analysis, the selected 70 patients who had nausea or vomiting symptoms after received chemotherapy, the degree of nausea had great improved in experimental group which was received acupressure (F=14.245, P<0.01). Therefore, the authors stated that acupressure can decrease patient severe nausea obviously. Finally, this results can guide the clinical staff how to relief nausea and vomiting symptoms for cancer patient after chemotherapy, and also it can provide an alternative care in the oncology nursing.


化學治療 噁心 嘔吐 穴位按摩


Clinically, chemotherapy-induced side effects include nausea and vomiting. These are two of the most common side effects which could easily lead to the patient's discomfort and affect the patient's decision to continue to receive chemotherapy. In recent years, massage therapy is often used in Western aid in order to alleviate the physical symptoms of the disease or to ease discomfort after the treatment process. The authors would like to know whether giving a massage can help to relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Based on evidence-based reviewed, including three randomized controlled trials and one systematic review article, the conclusion stand that intervention massage (Neiguan) can reduce nausea effectively. According to repeated measures analysis, the selected 70 patients who had nausea or vomiting symptoms after received chemotherapy, the degree of nausea had great improved in experimental group which was received acupressure (F=14.245, P<0.01). Therefore, the authors stated that acupressure can decrease patient severe nausea obviously. Finally, this results can guide the clinical staff how to relief nausea and vomiting symptoms for cancer patient after chemotherapy, and also it can provide an alternative care in the oncology nursing.


chemotherapy nausea vomiting acupressure


