  • 期刊


Medical Workplace Violence Incidence and Prevention Strategies


台灣醫療職場暴力事件屢於媒體上揭露,而且發生類型更是多樣化,有單人或多人施暴,有言語身體或刀械器具實在是不容忽視,尤其是第一線醫療服務的工作人員除了肩負病人生命維護使命與醫療照護任務,又需面對安全堪慮的工作職場暴力,在如此艱困的挑戰下,雖然國內各醫事專業團體,運用群體力量共同譴責暴力並發出嚴正聲明「醫療暴力零容忍zero tolerance」,但暴力事件的發生仍無法避免。研究結果顯示身體攻擊暴力事件將近86% 是可以預防的(Zafar et al.,2013),他山之石,可以攻錯,醫療機構管理者必須責無旁貸肩負起維護醫療工作人員安全的責任,並要全面性深思如何防範暴力的策略,其中包含:建立暴力事件即刻通報啟動處理機制,強化人員對暴力事件警兆之評估判斷與自我防護措施,事件發生後人員關懷與權益保障,以及跨領域團隊合作共同進行案例檢討與預防策略管理,持續提升人員對暴力事件防範與處理之能力,致力維護醫療環境安全與反暴力事件。同時也要加強呼籲及宣導民眾重視及杜絕醫療暴力事件的發生,妥善維護醫療人員無憂的醫療照護環境,進而提供病人就醫期間優質的照護服務。


Recently, many incidents of medical workplace violence have been reported by the Taiwanese media. Such incidences include single- and multiple-attacker transgressions, verbal violence, physical violence, and knife assault. Such violence should be considered a serious threat to the safety of first-line medical staff who protect patients' lives. Under these circumstances, the medical professional society announced a "zero tolerance against medical work place violence" statement; however, violence has remained unavoidable. Studies from other countries have indicated that 86% of cases of body assault are preventable. This information could be applied to facilitate the establishment of strategies to ensure the safety of medical staff. The medical authorities are fully responsible for protecting medical staff from assault and therefore must establish a wide range of prevention strategies, including violent incident reports and response systems, improving alertness to the warning signs of violence, self-defense precautions among medical staff, and caring and protecting the rights of medical staff who have suffered violence. Other areas that require focus are multidisciplinary approaches and careful analysis of every violent incident, as well as the application of appropriate prevention strategies and continuous improvements in the ability of medical staff to manage violence. In addition, widespread public support and working together to stop medical workplace violence are both key to ensuring a safe workplace environment for providing high-quality medical care.


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