  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Pregnant Woman in a Critical Condition Who Underwent Amniotic Fluid Embolism and Terminal Palliative Care




This article details the nursing experience of palliative care for a terminal patient in the intensive care unit (ICU), which resulted in a dignified death. A multigravida experienced amniotic fluid embolism during delivery and was admitted to the ICU after emergency treatment. However, hypoxic encephalopathy complications occurred, after which palliative care was provided. The woman ultimately had a dignified death. Care was provided from March 16 to April 10, 2017. Gordon's eleven functional health patterns were utilized as a guide for evaluations. Data were collected through direct care, observations, listening, caring, and physical examination as well as from medical records. Major nursing issues such as self-care deficit, family decision conflicts, and anticipatory grief were all observed in this case. Therefore, comfort nursing care was offered to assist the patient maintain basic physical demands, protect privacy, and ensure dignity. A strong patient-nurse relationship was also established. In this article, the concepts of palliative care in critical terminal care are introduced.


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