  • 期刊


Using Multiple Programs to Nurse a Premature Infant with Feeding Difficulties




早產兒 餵食困難 口腔按摩


Difficulty in feeding premature infants is a common clinical problem. Therefore, a successful transition from tube feeding to full mouth feeding is a goal shared by both medical staff and patients' families. This paper describes the experience of nursing a premature infant with feeding difficulties. The infant had long relied on oxygen and nasogastric tube feeding due to pulmonary and bronchial dysplasia, leading to the new parents' anxiety and refusal to discharge the infant from the hospital; this situation inspired this research. During the nursing period from April 3 to May 12, 2019, the author used systematic physical assessments to conduct an overall assessment and collected data by providing direct care, reviewing medical records, and talking to the patient's family. The author determined that the overall case involved several health problems, including ineffective breathing patterns, ineffective infant feeding patterns, chaotic infant behavior, and caregiver role strain. During the nursing care period, the author applied individualized nursing methods based on a literature review. In addition to the maintenance of airway patency and oxygenation, multiple programs that integrated developmental care, oral massage, and music therapy were used to eliminate the patients' need for a gastric tube as soon as possible. The author helped to boost the parents' confidence and assurance regarding the proper postdischarge home care by listening to them, encouraging them to earnestly express their feelings, and providing them with complete care information with the support of the medical team. This article recommends that clinical interventions such as oral assessments and rehabilitation should be implemented as soon as possible to facilitate premature infants' timely transition from tube feeding to full mouth feeding, reduce the incidence of neurodevelopmental retardation, and shorten the duration of hospital stay.


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