  • 期刊


Correlations of Professional Knowledge, Confidence Index, and Practical Ability of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Among New Nurses


本研究目的為探討新進護理師在接受基本救命術(Basic Life Support, BLS)到職訓練課程後的心肺復甦術專業知識、信心指數及實作能力之相關因素。採量性橫斷式研究設計,方便取樣176位到職滿三個月到一年之新進護理師,以「心肺復甦術專業知識及信心指數量表」及「非預期性心肺復甦術OSCE」評量專業知識、信心指數及實作能力。結果:專業知識總分平均為75.14分,單題正確率介於9.66%至98.86%;信心指數總分平均為29.04分,單題平均為3.49至3.81分,介於普通至有信心之間;實作能力整體表現平均為7.02分,單題平均為3.64至4.82分,介於一般水準至優良之間。心肺復甦術的專業知識、信心指數及實作能力不會受性別、教育程度、ACLS證照、科別、CPR經歷的不同而有所差異,依各構面題項與人口學特質進一步分析,結果發現專業知識構面在女性、急重症開刀房及有CPR經歷者有顯著得分,信心指數構面在有ACLS證照及有CPR經歷者有顯著差異,實作能力構面則在男性、四技及大學以上教育程度、有ACLS證照及無CPR經歷者有顯著差異。建議應由護理部針對一年內新進護理師舉辦心肺復甦術教育訓練,並涵蓋專業知識課程,才能保有足夠的專業知識、信心與技能來執行心肺復甦術處置。


The purpose of this study was to explore the factors of new nurses' professional knowledge, confidence index, and practical ability on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after receiving the on-the-job training courses of basic life support (BLS). Method: The study was a cross-sectional design, and convenience sampling. 176 new nurses were employed within 3-12 months and recruited in this study. The instruments included cardiopulmonary resuscitation professional knowledge and confidence index scale and unexpected cardiopulmonary resuscitation scale. The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) was used to evaluate nurses' professional knowledge, confidence index, and practical ability. Result: The overall average score of nurses' professional knowledge was 75.14, and single items correct rate was from 9.66% to 98.86%. The overall average score of confidence index was 29.04, and the average score of single items was 3.49 to 3.81 between ordinary and confident. The overall average score of practical ability was 7.02, and the average score of single items was 3.64 to 4.82 between average and excellent. Professional knowledge, confidence index, and practical ability were not statistically significant differences with respect to gender, education levels, ACLS license, or CPR experience. Further analysis was conducted on demographic characteristics with professional knowledge, confidence index, and practical ability. Female nurses, operating nurses, and CPR experienced nurses had significantly higher professional knowledge on dealing with acute and severe conditions. Confidence index was significantly different in nurses with ACLS license and nurses with CPR experience. Practical ability also was significantly different with respect to various characteristics, including male nurses, university graduated, ACLS license, and CPR experience. Conclusion: It is needed to strengthen nurses' professional knowledge, confidence index, and practical ability on CPR. The nursing managers and educational planners should guide CPR courses for nurses enrolled within 1 year. Meanwhile, CPR OSCE course will be helpful for new nurses to enhance their professional knowledge, confidence, and ability to perform CPR in the clinical settings.


李惠珍、高麗茹、詹淑惠 (2016)‧在擬真情境下應用客觀結構式臨床測驗評量新進護理人員急救技能之成效‧台灣擬真醫學教育期刊,3(1),3-10。
