  • 期刊


Reducing the Withdrawal Rate for Self-Financed Painless Colonoscopy


健康檢查係屬於預防醫學的一部分,其目的就是防患於未然,「早期發現疾病、早期治療」,強調「預防勝於治療」。本單位在2018年統計自費健檢無痛大腸鏡檢查退檢率為11.7%,退檢人數增加會影響醫院營收,也增加受檢者客訴,對醫院產生負面觀感,醫院及單位主管極重視此問題,因此於2019年1月1日成立專案小組,其後經櫃檯人員共識教育訓練、制定預約無痛大腸鏡檢查標準流程、強化腸道準備衛教影片QR Code之運用、推動新版腸道準備說明書及護理人員執行檢查前電話及簡訊提醒等改善方案策略,持續監測至2019年10月31日,無痛大腸鏡檢查退檢率由11.7%降至4.1%,達目標值,追蹤期間退檢率為4.9%,維持在目標值內,同時也提升了腸道清潔品質。本專案經驗可提供他科藉由流程之改善來促進腸道準備完整性,降低自費大腸鏡檢查退檢率,增加受檢者的滿意及信任度,提昇本單位專業服務品質及競爭力,建立醫院正面形象。


Annual health checkups are a key component of preventive medicine, preventing disease occurrence through early detection and treatment. The early detection of a malignant legion increases the treatment success rate by preventing disease progression. Colonoscopy can effectively detect lesions with malignant potential, such as small polyps or dysplastic lesions, and is considered crucial for the early detection of colon cancer. In 2018, the average colonoscopy withdrawal rate in our healthcare center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital was 11.7%. This high withdrawal rate may increase daily costs and client discomfort as well as decreasing revenue, thus having a negative impact on the hospital. Therefore, our department established a task force on October 31, 2019, to develop measures to address this problem, including an education and training program for the reception staff, the development of a standard protocol for colonoscopy preparation, improvements to the appointment system, a quick response code linked to an educational video on colon preparation, improved guidance for colonoscopy preparation, and a reminder phone call or text message before the appointment. All these measures effectively reduced the withdrawal rate from 11.7% to 4.9%, meeting the target value, and improved colon cleansing. These results can aid other departments in promoting bowel preparation by improving the process, reducing the withdrawal rate for self-financed colonoscopy, increasing the satisfaction and trust of clients, enhancing the professional service and competitiveness of the unit, and contributing to the positive image of the hospital.


Hsueh, F. C., Chen, C. M., Sun, C. A., Chou, Y. C., Hsiao, S. M., & Yang, T. (2016). A study on the effects of a health education intervention on anxiety and pain during colonoscopy procedures. Journal of Nursing Research, 24(2), 181-189.
