  • 期刊


The Influence and Dissemination of Fang Dongshu's Thought and His Publications in the Mid and Late Qing Dynasty




In this study, I discuss Fang Dongshu's (方東樹, 1772-1851) thought during the changing world of the Mid and Late Qing Dynasty. There were various changes and special phenomena in the intellectual world since the Daoguang and Xianfeng regimes in the Qing Dynasty. For example, Fang Dongshu's academic and literary works were imitated by literati, and finally became a special phenomenon of contemporary political trend in the Mid and Late Qing Dynasty. I have divided this essay into three parts to discuss the literary works of Fang Dongshu, as well as its significance in the history of the Qing Dynasty. In the first section of this essay, I will discuss and analyse Fang Dongshu's literary works and the many orientations of his thoughts. I will utilize the records compiled by literati during the Qing Dynasty, and not only with reference to the "Kao Pan Ji Wen Lu"and" Yi Wei Xuan Collections"in Fu Ssu Nien Library, the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, and other relevant historical documents and resources. Secondly, I will discuss how Fang's writings became highly favored and turned into a writing style that was imitated by literati in the Qing Dynasty. This essay also discusses how Fang Dongshu's important work, "Hanxue Shangdui" being continually reprinted by local literati, played an important role during the cultural renaissance after the Taiping Rebellion. Finally, this essay will analyse "Hanxue Shangdui", and find out how it became an important ideological resource for conservative officials and literati in their fight against western civilization and political reform during the late Qing Dynasty.


(清)方東樹(2001)。《攷盤集文錄》收錄《續修四庫全書》,第 1497冊。上海:上海古籍。據華東師範大學圖書館藏清光緒二十年(1894)刻本景印。
