  • 期刊


The Systematic Connection of Religion and Ecological Crisis: Taking Sustainability as an Example




Religion is sometimes considered to be the source of the ecological crisis, and sometimes it is expected to provide environmentally friendly ideas. How should we understand this paradoxical situation between religion and ecology? Could there be some kind of eco-religion? With the research purpose of environmental ethics, this article attempts to use Luhmann's social systems theory as an analytical framework to observe the relationship between religion and ecology from a systematic perspective. We will focus on the environmental issue of sustainable development, and discuss how to construct a sustainable ethic in the field of religious ecology. We will ask the following questions: (1) Why is religion the cause of the ecological crisis? (2) What role is religion expected to play in a sustainable society? (3) What kind of semantic connection possibilities do we see between religion and ecology? This article argues that the dichotomous connection between religion and ecological crisis can only be clarified from the perspective of society. The problems caused by religion must be understood in terms of religion itself. Basically, the social function of religion may hide and delay the limit signals of the environment under certain conditions, thereby preventing the formation of a sustainable society. To overcome this problem, the religious system must be expected to increase its complexity so that it can communicate ecologically with other functional systems, absorb scientific advice, and connect it with the belief resources of religious traditions. In this way, it is possible for religion to construct a worldview that is both religious and ecological, and transform it into an environmental ethics. Therefore, we may gain insight into how religion plays an active role in shaping a sustainable society, and clarify the systemic conditions under which some kind of eco-religion can take shape in modern society.


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