  • 期刊


Complete Supplementary Measures of Organizational Restructuring-Draft Provisional Statute on the Adjustment of the Functions, Businesses, and Organizations of the Executive Yuan




To ensure that the new organizational structure and the core functions can be smoothly activated after the draft Amendments to the Organization Law for the Executive Yuan are effective, the Executive Yuan also prepared the draft Provisional Statute for Adjustment of Executive Yuan's Functional Business and Organization. The highlights of this draft are as follows: 1.Measures taken by executive agencies to cope with business adjustments. 2.Change of assets for public or nonpublic use in the event of adjustment to an agency's business. 3.General guidelines for assumption of the existing budgets and for manners in which budgets are executed for retirement incentive programs after adjustment to an agency's business. 4.Rules for protective measures for civil servants retiring or leaving employment under relevant incentive programs. It is necessary to have transitional measures such as provisional statutes in the course of government restructural to ensure that each step taken by the government is well-planned and successful.


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