  • 期刊


Shapping the Cultural Administrative Structure


台灣的文化行政組織是自需要中逐漸添置的,如同工具一樣,因此缺乏一貫的理念與效率的架構,而不免紊亂之感。國人對文化之看法不一,有時視為藝術,有時視為生活與思想方式,有人認為應給予最大的自由,聽任其自然發展,有人認為有在上者倡導,形成風氣。故在政府人士眼中,常有遊移不定之感。影響所及,則呈現之政府組織與政策上的矛盾。 本文建義自理念開始整理,要確定文化是不能控制的,政府只能順勢利導,予以支持。如擴大文化的內涵,包括休閒、娛樂文化在內,則宜在文化行政單位的組織上,分別管理,以免混淆。因此建義未來的文化部應擴大為文化、媒體、觀光部,分為3個次部門。對於民間與地方政府文化部門的贊助,則以成立政府編列預算的文化藝術諮議會為宜。國家文藝基金會可以解散,改型。 本文支持政府對文化機構的行政法人化,但以有完善的法律,不改為民營為前提。


Cultural administration in Taiwan is confusing and sporadic because there is no common consensus on the government responsibility of cultural affairs. Some people incline to believe American Laissez-faire is a better policy. Others prefer to follow the ancient tradition of guiding the cultural life for the public. While talking loudly about cultural democracy, they try hard to establish a strong administive body. The contradiction is very obvious. The paper suggest first to formulate our own concept about culture with clear definition, then decide which way we want to go. Culture should be defined as the arts and cultural heritage only. Popular arts and recreation or tourism ought to be separated and administrated because they need some sorts of control. I also believe a national foundation with annual budget support like British Council is needed to allocate money to different activities on governments behalf. The paper support the government policy of having all cultural institutions to be inch dent legal entity, but suggest not to intervene the culura1 affairs of local governments with strong hands.


