  • 期刊



空間發展理念是展現未來期望的空間結構,理念是依據現況分析、評估擬定,並且隨時因應社經環境變動情景調整,亦是達成社會共識的空間規劃協調工具。依據德國聯邦區域計畫法,聯邦和各邦政府應共同制定「國土空間發展理念」。兩德統一後,以往的空間發展理念已轉成為「區域計畫綱領」(1993)和相關的「區域計畫策略架構」(1995),以促進德西與德東各邦之間生活條件的均衡。 10年來,社會與經濟各項因素均有改變。空間規劃亦須改變以因應社經發展和趨勢,及配合聯邦勞工與社福體系等政策的改革。主要是歐盟擴大與市場全球化,德國人口變遷,以及歐盟空間規劃的要求。「聯邦暨各邦空間計畫部長協調會」因此決議,考量聯邦和歐盟變革、檢討,必要時改進空間發展理念。依據是項決議及「德國2005年空間規劃報告」,聯邦運輸、營建及都市發展部廣邀有關實務及學研各界研議,結論於2005年9月研討會確定,提送各級政府之空間規劃政策委員會議決。 由於已凝聚共識,空間計畫部長於2006年6月核定新的「德國空間規劃理念與策略」,成為聯邦和各邦空間規劃和發展的政策。之後各項策略,尤其是強化都會區與確保人口減少區域利益的各項公共服務等有關策略,由聯邦和各邦政府據以推動執行。




Concepts for spatial development show the desired future state of the spatial structure. They are based on the analysis and evaluation of the current state and from time to time adjusted to the changing social and economic framework conditions. They are an important coordinating instrument of spatial planning. According to the German Federal Regional Planning Act, the Federation and the states are supposed to jointly develop ”concepts for the spatial development of the Federal territory” (Leitbilder) on the level of Federal spatial planning. The last concepts on spatial development had been formulated following the German reunification as ”Guidelines for Regional Planning” (1993) and the connected ”Political Framework for Regional Planning” (1995). They served to improve the spatial planning strategy of harmonizing the living conditions in the old western and new eastern Federal states. About one decade after the adoption of these two documents, the framework conditions for spatial planning policy have changed again and advanced. Similar to many other political areas, spatial planning has to react to changes in basic trends and of economy and society as well as to related large reform discussions in Germany concerning the partition of labor within the federal system and related to changes in the social security system. This goes for globalization processes in the same manner as for reunification-related transformation processes and the coping with the demographic change. Furthermore, the European dimension of spatial planning has considerably gained in importance. The ”Standing Conference of Federal and State Ministers Responsible for Spatial Planning” therefore decided to check the necessity of advancing the spatial development concepts for the Federal and the European territory. Based on the results and the recommendations of the Spatial Planning Report 2005, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing launched a large discussion process involving all actors of spatial planning and spatial research in further developing the spatial concepts. The result, which was based on a broad consensus, was presented at a conference in September 2005 before being further treated in the committees responsible for the horizontal and vertical coordination of spatial planning. As a result of this consensus-building process, the new ”Concepts and Strategies for Spatial Development in Germany” were accepted by the Standing Conference in June 2006 as a joint spatial planning and development policy of the Federation and the states. Since then many of the recommended strategies, especially those concerning the strengthening of metropolitan regions as well as the task of better ensuring services of public interests in regions with decreasing population, were implemented by the federation, by the states and their regions.




