  • 期刊


New Dimensions of the Unified International Air Carrier's Liability: First Ten Years of the 1999 Montreal Convention


一九九九年簽署完成締約的蒙特婁公約在二○○三年正式生效,全盤性地取代了自一九二九年訂定以來不斷被增修的華沙公約責任規範體系,獨立為一個完整、單一的國際航空運送人責任公約。蒙特婁公約除了整合華沙責任規範體系外,並試圖使之被現代化,以配合國際航空運送技術的發展,與各國運送責任規範的演進。蒙特婁公約所整合的華沙體系,是一個歷史最悠久、擁有最多締約國的統一私法公約,其制法目的是為了求取保護新興但高風險的國際航空運送事業,兼衡平旅客與託運人之人身與財產利益。七十年來該體系倚賴航空法學說、增修條文以及締約國司法裁判,持續高密度地規範國際航空運送人責任。統整、更新該體系的蒙特婁公約,也必須遵循華沙體系所建立起的方法論,才可能繼續有效實現統一私法公約的功能。 參考過去華沙體系歷次被檢討、增修的頻率,約每十年都會有一次對這個統一責任公約的回顧與反思。在蒙特婁公約締約完成後十年的今天,或許也是檢視其所預期目的之實踐效能以及彙集各國實務解釋的一個適當時機。本文試圖針對蒙特婁公約所意欲解決的重要議題,包括公約體制之設計原則與基本架構、責任體制、責任限制制度與專屬管轄籍等,對照締約國自公約生效以來之司法實務與學者專家之論述,分析這部跨世紀的國際航空運送責任規則,在對應現代航空運送之技術特徵、產業需求與締約國包括內國私法秩序在內之社會價值等條件上的功能及其實踐效益。


The Montreal Convention came into effect in the year of 2003, and replaced in full scale of the constantly amended Warsaw regime, independently becomes a complete and single unified instrument to regulate certain international air carrier's liability. Aside from integrating the main body and several protocols of the previous regime, the Montreal Convention is empowered to modernize the regulations so to cope with the technical progress of aviation industry and the evolution of civil liability rules during such period. The long history and numbers of signatories of the Warsaw regime prove itself as a most popular unified laws convention aiming to balance the risks and interests of the carriers and passengers/consignors in the early era of international air carriage, which is also founded upon the interpretations from legal theories, constant amendments and judicial practice. Such jurisprudence is expected to be followed by the new Montreal Convention in the coming years so to fulfill the functions of a n unified liability regime. Almost every decade certain contemplations and reflections of the Warsaw regime would be conducted to keep the unified law updated and effective. It would also be helpful for us to do the same with the Montreal Convention in terms of its presumed functions and judicial practice now at its ten years anniversary. This article is therefore trying to manipulate such a model but covers limited scale of topics which includes the basic principles and infrastructure of international carrier's liability, the monetary limitations and exclusive jurisdictions, so to reflect in a tentative way the effectiveness of the new regime and its compatibility with local regulations of the signatories.


