  • 期刊


Theories and Practices of Vocational Negligence in Criminal Law- a Comparison between the German and the Taiwanese Criminal Law




Under the criminal law of Taiwan penalties of vocational negligence have been accumulative. Yet the academic debate on this issue has showed such stark differences that a consensus on whether vocational negligence should be abolished has not been reached. Scholars in Taiwan who have drawn upon the Japanese literature on this issue have cumulated some remarkable performances; however, they fail to offer an explanation grounded on the reasoning under the Germen Criminal Law. In this regard, this paper attempts to rethink the legal reasoning of the vocational negligence by drawing upon the reasoning of the Germen Criminal Law. Under the Germen Criminal Law, the crime of vocational negligence enacted can be traced back to the Prussian common law (Allgemeines Landrecht für die Preußischen Staaten) and it had not been abolished until 1940. By reviewing theories and practices of vocational negligence under the German Criminal Law, this paper attempts to claim that vocational negligence should be reconsidere d whether a offender abuse his/her autonomy while he/she is on a duty. When an offender does a harm given a vocational negligence, this behavior should be seen as a violation of vocational obligations. Thus, this paper contends that based upon the review of the Germen Criminal Law the implication of vocational negligence should be examined closely.


