  • 期刊


The doctrine of observing old law in the substantive legal relationship and observing new law in the procedural legal relationship and the principle of no ex post facto law in administrative law




The legal relationship of the entity applies to the old law and the legal relationship of the procedure applies to the new law. This principal is the specific application of the principle of non-retroactivity of the law and belongs to the "principle of application of law". In principle, the legal relationship of the entity should still return to apply the "behavioral time law" in principle, that is, the law regulates the social life of the people, and as the "standard of conduct" of the people, it constitutes the law that the people must abide by when they engage in life behavior. The principle of application of the law, that is according to the "behavioral time law", protect the people to have the "expectation possibility" of obeying the law and the "possibility of fulfilling the obligation", the state can also abide by the "good faith principle." In the case of the continuous behavior of the people or the continuation of legal relationship, if there is a "divisibility" of the conduct, or "the separab ility of the situation of the facts or of the legal relationship", then when the old and new laws are crossed, the old law and new law should be applied in stages. Try not to use the "Facts retroactivity" (Tatbestandrückwirkung) to apply to the new law, so as not to break the existing legal order and arbitrarily change the rights acquired or legal status in the old law era. The retroactive and effective application of the law, whether it is truly retroactive or not actually retroactive, changes the legal status of the people in the past, and if it is not conducive to the people, should be a reasonable law, which is in harmany with the nature of the things. Otherwise it must be expressly approved by the "law" (legal reservation) in order to meet the requirements of democratic principles, and should comply with the principle of trust protection and the principle of proportionality. As for the fact that it has not been retroactively effected with the express provisions of the law, if the facts of its conduct or constituent elements are "inseparable" and can only be applied as a whole, should the old law or the new law be applied? It is not undoubtedly. Here, we should adopt the "holistic observation method" to measure the "major legal facts" (main life behaviors) that occur in the old law era or in the new law era, and the law that should be applied. If the "main legal facts" (main life behaviors) occur in the old law era, then the "continuing application of the old law" should be based on the principle of trust protection and the principle of proportionality to the violation of the rights of the people. In addition, for the scope of application of the new law, the legal loopholes of "purpose-based reduction" are supplemented. If the "main legal facts" (main life behaviors) occur in the new law era, then the "new law should be applied as a whole", that is, the new law of "when all the elements of facts are realized" should be applied.


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