  • 期刊


Social Sharing of Medical Damage Risks - Focusing on the State Responsibility of National Health Insurance




The liability of medical liability is generally non-applicable for no fault liability principle, however the application of the theory of negligence liability has been questioned since the issues of the faulty determination and the difficulty of proof of causality. Moreover, there is a National Health Insurance in Taiwan, which results to the nature of legal relationship between doctors and patients has transformed towards public law because the medical market is dominated by the government and it has a state responsibility for medical damage. Medical liability insurance is unable to meet the market demand due to the design of policy terms and insurance practice, and it's function of dispersing the risk of medical liability is ineffective. Furthermore, there are still doubts about the appropriateness and constitutionality of compulsory medical insurance and it is impossible to clearly present the state responsibility, therefore compulsory medical insurance is not the ideal mechanism for medical risk d ispersion. This article proposes the frameworks of social sharing of medical liability risks by reference to the current system of drug injury, vaccine injury, and childbirth accident emergency and the spirit of the draft of "medical disputes and medical accident compensation law". The author believes that Taiwan's National Health Insurance system will spread the health risks to all members of society. At the same time, the risk of medical liability can be shared by medical providers, medical users and the government, which not only manifests state responsibility, but also enables to compensate the victimized patient as soon as possible, which can achieve psychological and economic security. As a result, it can achieve the goal of win-win in the tripartite parties, physician, patient and government by controlling the risk of medical practice, reducing defensive medical care and saving medical and litigation costs.


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