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Public Opinion and Judicial Reform: the Case of Citizen Participation in Criminal Trials



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Since the late 1990s, citizen participation in criminal procedures has surfaced in several countries including Spain, Russian, Mexico as well as East Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea. In Taiwan, the concept of citizen participation is welcomed and considered an important part of judicial reform. However, it is still in debate over what form of the citizen participation institution should take: the Anglo-American jury system or the mixed court system of laypersons and professional judges. The article suggests to develop a system to respond to the increasing social distrust against courts and public expectation on judicial reform. This article discusses the trend of citizen participation in criminal trials and suggested Taiwan to develop its new institution to meet its social needs and policy goals. In order to better gouge public opinion and evaluate various proposals, it is necessary to provide sufficient information to the public for deliberation. The author urges to conduct more empirica l legal studies to shed light on the public preference and building a feasible system to fortify judicial legitimacy.


戴炎輝、劉紹猷、鄭碧吟、陳瑞堂、孫森焱、段盛豐,臺灣民事習慣調查報告,6 版,法務部,2004 年。
瞿海源,調查研究方法,三民書局,2007 年。
王正嘉,人民參與刑事審判過程素人與專業的認知調查之研究:臺灣嘉義地院六場模擬法庭實證研究的若干發現,犯罪與刑事司法研究,25 期,2016 年 7 月,頁 37-71。
王正嘉,刑事審判的審前準備問題與解析--以人民參與審判為中心,高大法學論叢,13卷2期,2018 年 3 月,頁 207-272。
王金壽,臺灣司法改革二十年:邁向獨立之路,思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌,46 卷 2期,2008 年 6 月,頁 133-174。