  • 期刊


A Probe into the Relationship between Tax Law and Civil Law from the Viewpoint of the Unity of the Overall Legal Order




Although the overall legal system of a country has its own tasks and purposes in different fields of law, they should still coexist harmoniously with each other. If the tax law can follow the order of interests formed by the norms of civil law, it should jointly maintain the private law autonomy of taxpayers. Basic rights such as rights and freedom of contract, guarantee the sustainable development of taxpayers, eliminate unnecessary legal risks, and avoid violating the principle of capacity-based taxation. Therefore, the tax law order should not become a "self-enclosed" legal order system, but an "open" tax law system, where friendliness and civil law order are harmoniously integrated. The unity of the legal order", and jointly safeguard the basic rights of taxpayers guaranteed by the Constitution.


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林明鏘,德國新行政法,第 1 版,五南出版社,2019 年。
陳清秀,稅法各論下冊,第 2 版,元照,2019 年。
陳清秀,法理學,第 3 版,元照,2020 年。
陳清秀,稅法各論上冊,第 4 版,元照,2021 年。
