  • 期刊


The Relationships between Workaholism, Emotional Exhaustion, and Work-Family Conflict: The Moderating Effects of Individual Differences


近年來,台灣過勞文化所引發的相關問題,日漸受到研究者與企業界的重視,由於工作狂是工時過長的典型成因,亦是引發過勞的主要因素。研究者過去雖曾探討工作成癮測驗之中文版心理計量特質與結構,但對工作狂之概念關係網絡(nomological network)與個體間差異仍尚不清楚。有鑑於此,本研究欲探討工作狂與其結果變項(情緒耗竭、工作對家庭衝突及家庭對工作衝突)的關係,並以優勢分析(dominance analysis)檢驗工作狂次向度之效果,亦進一步驗證個體之間的差異(性別、勤勉審慎性、工作職級、及所屬產業類別),是否調節工作狂與前述結果變項間的關係。本研究以台灣企業組織共532位全職工作者為研究對象,研究結果顯示,工作狂與情緒耗竭、工作對家庭衝突、及家庭對工作衝突皆具有正向關聯性。此外,男性在工作狂與家庭對工作衝突的正向關聯性較強;勤勉審慎特質越強的員工,工作狂與家庭對工作衝突的正向關聯性較強;非主管在工作狂與情緒耗竭的正向關聯性較強;非金融及電子產業員工在工作狂與情緒耗竭、工作對家庭衝突的正向關聯性較強。最後則綜合討論研究結果之管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向。


In recent years, academics and practitioners have increased their attention to the problem of overwork culture in Taiwan. Because workaholism is a typical antecedent of long working hour and burnout, researchers have examined the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of Work-Addiction Risk Test (WART). To explore the nomological network of workaholism and individual differences of its effects, the aim of this study is to examine the relationships between workaholism and the related consequences, including emotional exhaustion, and work-family conflict, and test the importance of different sub-dimensions of WART using dominance analysis. Furthermore, the present study investigated the moderating effect of individual differences such as gender, conscientiousness, position, and industry on above relationships. We collected data from 532 full time employees in organizations. According to our results, workaholism positively related to emotional exhaustion, and work-family conflict. The positive relationship between workaholism and family-work conflict is stronger for male. When employees have higher conscientiousness, the positive relationship between workaholism and family-work conflict is stronger. For non-managers, the positive relationship between workaholism and emotional exhaustion is stronger. The positive relationship between workaholism, emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict is stronger for employees who are not in the technological and financial industry. The practical implications and research limitations were discussed as well.


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