  • 期刊


Curriculum design for Cross-Cultural Communication: The "Introduction to German Society and Culture" Course as a Case study


跨文化溝通是全球化時代人類社會所必須面對的嚴肅課題,如何在外語教育中培養學習者的跨文化能力,成為當代外語教育的重要使命。一般跨文化研究將跨文化能力歸納為三個面向:(一)認知面向、(二)情意面向(或觀念與態度)以及(三)行動面向。如何將此跨文化能力三面向內涵納入外語文化課程內容,為本論文探討之主題。 外語國情文化導覽課程(Landeskunde)除了帶領學習者進一步了解外語國社會運作模式與文化背景外,並有助於學習者掌握該目標語語言、行為所傳達的具體意念與訊息。然而,學習者個人在母體文化成長、學習與生活的經驗,往往限制了其對異文化認知的可能,也常是導致跨文化認知、溝通誤解或失敗的原因。 德國國情文化概覽教學法學者G. Weimann 以及W. Hösch 將國情文化概覽教學法區分為:認知取向教學法、溝通取向教學法,以及跨文化教學法,其中跨文化教學法以培養學習者的跨文化能力為核心目標。本文擬以「德國概覽」課程為例,從學習者對外語文化的理解與詮釋為出發,探討如何透過跨文化教學法,在帶領學生認知德國社會的運作模式與文化背景相關知識之外,並從教學內容以及教學方法上,思考培養學生跨文化能力之途徑,以期學生具備敏覺的文化差異覺知能力,對文化差異的尊重,以及在面對文化差異乃至衝突時,溝通與解決問題的行動能力。


The world today is characterized by a growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different cultural backgrounds. Cultivating intercultural communication competence (ICC) is consequently entrusted with one of the missions of foreign language education. The ICC has three dimensions: affective, cognitive and operational. This study aims at discussing the way how to integrate these three dimensions into culture-related curriculum design. An introductory course in regional cultural studies not only serves to help foreign language learners strengthen the understanding of socio- operational modes and cultural backgrounds of a certain culture, but also enable them to grasp the concrete concepts and information conveyed by the target language and behavior. However, a foreign language learner may fail to understand or misunderstand a foreign culture because of his/ her experiences conditioned by the cultural and learning environment that he/ she lives in. G. Weimann and W. Hösch, experts in regional cultural studies pedagogy, identify three teaching approaches; cognitively oriented approach, communicatively oriented approach and cross-cultural approach, with the third one focusing on cultivating students' intercultural ability. By using cross-cultural approach and considering the three dimensions of ICC, the study takes the course Introduction to German culture as an example to demonstrate how to design a curriculum for facilitating student's cross-cultural ability in terms of awareness of cultural difference, respect for foreign culture as well as competence in solving cultural conflicts.


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