  • 期刊


The Artists and the Concept of Aesthetics in Kafka's Short (Short) Stories




藝術家 美學 醜陋 真相 負面性


Kafka's writing activity mainly focuses on checking the position of his self as artist, vitalizing his existent feelings, and casting doubts on the significance of his life. While devoting his life to working on the dark side of his literary world, he reveals at the same time the depth of his hopelessness and despair regarding his artistic activity and his daily life.This article attempts to figure out Kafka's special artistic observation, and his concept of aesthetics which will be verified too in his short (short) stories by means of the artists and their artistic performances. While refusing the traditional aesthetics of beauty, Kafka aims at improving the negative aesthetics with the intention of finding out the ultimate truth. His typical aesthetics of writing and his system of values seem to protest against the traditional ones. For this reason, if the reader reads Kafka's works in view of traditional aesthetics and values, he will get confused and feel strongly opposed. By this means, the artists and their artistic behavior in Kafka's works can definitely reflect the problems of the traditional aesthetical observation and values.


Artists Aesthetics Ugliness Truth Negativity


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Adorno, Theodor W.(1987).Prismen- Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft.Frankfurt a.M.:Suhrkamp.
Adorno, Theodor W.,Schröder, Thomas(Hg.)(1996).Probleme der Moralphilosophie.Frankfurt a.M.:Suhrkamp.
Beicken, Peter U.(1974).Franz Kafka- Eine kritische Einführung in die Forschung.Frankfurt am Main:Fischer.
