  • 期刊


On the Individual in the Pandemic: The paradox between life and vitality


2019年末出現的一場疫情,彷彿將人類從世界的主宰打回脆弱的自然受造物形象。在眾聲喧嘩的防疫百相中,我們可以觀察到符合客觀目的性的真假問題彷彿已經退居次位,取而代之的則是符合主觀目的性的個人信仰。同時,有關疫情的資訊量不僅極其龐大,而且還極其分歧,讓權威在資訊複製的時代已然失去靈光。相對於防疫措施在保障「生命」的同時也大大地限制生命力,個人的「生命力」反而更加有血有肉。本文試圖從兩個方面探討疫情當中的個人存在:一方面探討COVID-19對人類社群帶來的影響,另一方面則以德語作家托馬斯曼(Thomas Mann)的名篇小說《魂斷威尼斯來》(Der Tod in Venedig)為例,探索疫情下的個人存在以及生命與生命力之間的弔詭。小說第五章出現的霍亂疫情並不是為了給男主角最後的死亡提出一個合理的解釋,而是為了展現例外狀態與生命力之間的關聯,並且反思生命的本質與活著的意義。


COVID-19 疫情 生命 生命力 魂斷威尼斯


The outbreak of a pandemic at the end of 2019 seemed to bring human being back to a natural creature. In the tumultuous situation of epidemic prevention, the question of truth that meets the objective purpose seems to have relegated to the second place, replaced by personal beliefs that meet the subjective purpose. Authorities have lost their "aura" in the era of information replication. Not only is the amount of information about the epidemic extremely large, but it is also extremely divided. Compared with epidemic prevention that protects "life", the "vitality" of individuals is livelier. This article attempts to explore the existence of individuals in the epidemic from two aspects. On the one hand, we will elucidate the influences of the pandemic on the society; on the other hand, we will take German writer Thomas Mann's famous novel The Soul of Venice as an example to explore the personal existence under the epidemic and the paradox between life and vitality. The cholera epidemic in Chapter 5 of the novel is not to provide a reasonable explanation for the final death of the protagonist, but to show the connection between the state of exception and vitality, and to reflect on the essence of life and the meaning of being alive.


COVID-19 pandemic life vitality Der Tod in Venedig


Agamben, Giorgio. Der Gebrauch der Körper. Ü bers. von Andreas Hiepko u. Michael von Killisch-Horn, Frankfurt a.M.: S. Fischer, 2014.
Agamben, Giorgio. Ausnahmezustand. Ü bers. von Ulrich Müller-Schöll, 7. Aufl., Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 2017.
