  • 期刊


Study of Financial Periodicals and Issues Related to Banks and Native Banks --the Examples of Bank Weekly and Native Bank Monthly



(銀行週報)與(錢業月報)是民國成立以來,長期出版且具影響力之兩種金融專業雜誌,分別由銀行公會、錢業公會負責發行,被視為銀、錢兩業的喉舌。 最初倡議並籌備創刊兩報者,均為金融業界之領袖,旨在流通國內外財經資訊,促進銀行業、錢莊業之經營管理。兩報議論文字,直接或間接地反映出同期國家財政金融、貨幣銀行的發展與運作。 抗戰前十年間,國民政府各項施政,毀譽參半、褒貶不一。其中關於金融改革,被視為最具現代化特質之建設工作。此期銀、錢兩報刊數以百計的專文、專論,係以銀行業、錢莊業、貨幣等問題為討論的核心。本文僅就論及之銀、錢業相關問題加以剖析,擬分為三:一、主題與內容;二、剖析的特色;三、影響與作用;最後針對兩報特色:分別代表銀、錢對發言,將相互比較後等論述異同,做為餘論,代替結語。


Bank Weekly and Native Bank Monthly are two of the most influential monetary periodicals published after the founding of the Republic of China by Bank Association and Native bank Association, respectively. They are considered the mouthpieces of the two associations. Those who initiated and sponsored the periodicals are leaders in banking. Their articles have contributed a great deal to the management of the banking and the development of the national finance. In ten years leading to the Anti-Japanese War, Nationalist Government policies drew both praises and criticism, yet monetary reforms were viewed as very modernized and constructive. In this time period, hundreds of articles in Bank Weekly and Bank Monthly focused on the discussion of the banking and native banking industry, currency, etc. Our study on issues analyses related to the two industries is divided into three parts: (1 )themes and Contents, (2)characteristics of analysis, and (3)impacts and effects. At the end, instead of the conclusion, an epilogue will focus on comparisons of characteristics of each periodical, speaking out for the two industries while indicating their similarities and differences.
