  • 期刊


Elizabeth Barton and Henry VIII's Censorship on Public Opinion


本文是「英格蘭宗教改革」研究之延續對話。迄今的研究成果強調「合作」為亨利八世朝「官方宗教改革」成功的原因, 本文主張在「合作」的面向外,英格蘭社會亦曾對亨利八世的改革政策發出過反對之聲。「肯特郡的聖女」伊莉莎白‧巴頓在一五三○年前後發表的「政治預言」就是很具代表性的例子。巴頓修女從肯特郡的一隅,透過教會、鄉誼等人際網絡,以口語及文字的形式,將她的反對預言穿越地域、階級,與性別地傳播出去,形成一股強大的異議之聲。亨利八世不久針對巴頓預言展開強力的整肅:除了巴頓與周邊人士被國王處決,所有與巴頓接觸過的關聯人士都遭到傳訊。亨利八世在「巴頓案」的處置展現了他對民間言論的高度掌握與控制。「掌握於事前,嚴懲於事後」,亨利八世對所有異議言論有效地打擊,使它們難以形成撼動王朝的力量。巴頓案展現了英格蘭民間的反對聲音,但也解釋了亨利八世王朝宗教改革的成功。


This paper is a continuation of the debate on the English Reformation. Present researches focus on ”cooperation”, considering which as the key factor for the success of ”the Official Reformation” held by Henry VIII. This paper asserts that apart from cooperating with the government, the English society has also expressed its opposition to the king's reformation policy. The political prophecy issued by Elizabeth Barton, the Holy Maid of Kent, was a good example. Barton, a nun living in a remote corner of Kent, by way of personal or ecclesiastical networks, disseminated her prophecy of opposition, in oral and written forms, to audience of different regions, ranks, and genders; Barton's prophecy in the end created a strong voice of opposition. Henry VIII soon went for Barton and her adherents: the nun and her ”accomplices” were executed, and everyone who had ever contacted with Barton was interrogated. In Barton's Case, Henry VIII showed his close surveillance over his subjects. ”To monitor beforehand and to punish afterwards”, the device successfully suppressed the sounds of opposition, which can hardly formed a strong enough power to shake the regime. Barton's case reveals the voice of disagreement coming from the English populace, but it also paradoxically explains the success of the Henrician Reformation.


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