  • 期刊


Japan-American Conflicts in the Hongkew district of Shanghai in 1921




This article investigates the background to a series of conflicts between American and Japanese forces in the Hongkew district of the Shanghai International Settlement. It seeks to clarify the causes of these conflicts, which took place in 1921 and were often of a violent nature, by looking at Japanese-American relations at the end of World War I. The paper shows that these conflicts were related to Japanese and American interests in China; in particular, they had to do with the Tientsin incident of 1919. The paper also examines how the English-language papers in Shanghai covered these conflicts, and uses their coverage to shed light on the many political and social concerns that fueled the tension between the two nations.


(United States) Department of State, Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of China, 1910-1929. Washington: The National Archives, 1960. 中央研究院近代史研究所藏,美國國務院「中國國內事務檔案」(微捲檔案,簡稱RIAC)
“Affidavit by Captain L. D. Kearny,” 24 May 1921, RIAC, 893.00/4213.
“Charles S. Lobingier, Judge, US Court for China, Shanghai to Edwin S. Cunningham, American Consul General, Shanghai, 25 May 1921, RIAC, 893.00/4213.
“Edwin S. Cunningham, American Consul General, Shanghai to H. D. Roger, Special Assistant US Attorney,” 31 May 1921, RIAC, 893.00/4213.
“Investigation of Disturbance Ashore in Shanghai May 22 in Which Enlisted Personal of U.S. Navy Were Involved,” from Admiral Joseph Strauss, Commander in Chief, Asiatic Fleet to Lieutenant Commander J. H. Buchanan, USS Huron, 23 May 1921, RIAC, 893.00/4213.
