  • 期刊


Hsia Yu's Postmodern Language Poetry


語言詩派(the Language Poets)是當今英美後現代詩中一個頗具代表性的流派,台灣詩壇以後現代詩聞名的詩人中,夏宇的詩作最具有這種語言詩的特質。夏宇從第一本詩集《備忘錄》到新近第五本《粉紅色噪音》的出版,不管其是否具有如英美語言詩派文本政治的企圖,她在詩語言所顯現的「離經叛道」,則已樹立自身與眾不同的風格。大體而言,她的語言詩具有底下三個特質:一是語言的物質性與非指涉性;二是構句的隨興與反敘事;三是意符遊戲及讀者的參與性。本文即以此三個面向進行討論。


The Language Poets are a representative postmodern poetry school in the UK and the US today. Hsia Yu's poetry, which exhibits many qualities of this language poetry, has obtained a unique status among the noted poets in Taiwan. Regardless of whether she attempts textual politics as the Anglo-American language poets do, Hsia Yu has set up her own distinctive style in betraying the language of poetry from her first collection of poems Memorandum to her newly published fifth book Pink Noise. Basically, Hsia Yu's language poetry has three characteristics: materiality and non-referentiality of language; randomness of syntax and anti-narrative; and the game of signifier and reader-participation. This paper offers a comprehensive study of these three characteristics.


Allen, Donald,George F. Butterick(eds.)(1982).The Postmoderns: The New American Poetry Revised.New York:Grove.
Andrews, Bruce.,Bruce Andrews(Ed),Charles Bernstein.(1982).Constitution/Writing, Politics, Language, the Body.L.5(1),154-165.
Andrews, Bruce,Charles Bernstein(eds.)(1984).The L.Carbondale:Southern Illinois UP..
Armantrout, Rae.(1985).Precedence.Providence:Burning Deck.
Bernstein, Charles.(1992).A Poetics.Cambridge, MA:Harvard UP.

