  • 期刊


South China's New Wave Feminism: A Narrative History of the Development of Feminism and the Development Ideology of the Pearl River Delta and Guangzhou


本文參照珠江三角洲與廣州的經濟發展歷程及論述,批判地解讀當代中國兩個大眾流行文本再現的新女性典範:其一是張茵傳記《中國女首富張茵:從廢紙回收業到紙業女王》中的女性企業家,另一為暢銷小說《杜拉拉升職記》的高階白領女性。透過分析成功新富女性的發達敘事與中國南方區域都市化之間的關聯,本文意圖指出流行文本中符合大眾想像的新女性形象的建構充滿張力。一方面,這些形象具體演示了中國經濟起飛為女性開啟自我發展的機會與嶄新的都會生活經驗;另一方面,張茵傳記應和了官方區域政策對珠三角私營企業的推廣,杜拉拉的故事迎合「世界城市」(world city)虛構的典範性,兩者皆顯示出「新流動女性」的發達敘事不僅隱含刻板的性別意識,更受中國當今主流的都市與區域發展主義意識形態所牽制。


This paper discusses in detail two paradigmatic images of contemporary Chinese women represented in popular narratives, that of a female entrepreneur, exemplified in "China's Richest Woman Zhang Yin: From Waste Paper Recycling to Queen of the Paper Industry" (2009), and that of the white-collar office lady, represented in A Story of Lala's Promotion (2007). Throughout this inquiry, female "successology" is built around gender roles and, at the same time, the gendered language found in these narratives can be circulated back to, or used to explain or legitimize, the urban development discourse of south China. My readings of Zhang Yin and Du Lala are conducted critically in parallel with the economic development of the Pearl River Delta and Guangzhou, which pursued development with the fundamental premise of regionalization and the goal of first-tier world city status. I explain how the gendered life experience as elites in the metropolis reflects the diversity of urban connections, giving life to what Jennifer Robinson means by the term "ordinary city" in the global south. Paradoxically, both the strong emphasis on the PRD as a precondition for success in Zhang's biography and the partial portrayal of Guangzhou in the Du Lala novel reproduce the dominant ideology of development, the hierarchical power relationship among cities and the fictional paradigm of the "world city," which has bearing on the development of many other ordinary cities, by means of the dubious representations of gender roles and the issues therein.


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