  • 期刊


The Silent Cry: The Im/possibility of Witnessing the Life That Remains in the Kinkaseki POW Camp


二次世界大戰末期,日本帝國俘虜許多大英國協的戰俘到金瓜石服勞役,逼迫他們開採銅礦,日本戰敗之後,這些戰俘被送回他們的故鄉,他們的故事也漸被世人所遺忘,直到歷經戰後數十年,這些戰俘的故事才又逐漸浮現,其中描述這段史實最為詳盡的莫過於艾華士(Jack Edwards, 1918-2006)所著的《無言的吶喊:「萬歲,你混蛋!」》(Banzai, You Bastards!)(1990),艾華士是戰俘營裡的生還者之一,於此書中描述他當時在戰俘營裡痛苦的生活、及見證其他同袍的生死經歷。本文以艾華士所著的《無言的吶喊》這個文本為經,以阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)對生命政治的論述為緯,一方面將這位思想家對於主權和生命的論述對照日本殖民情境下的金瓜石戰俘營與礦場,另一方面也將其思想帶入臺灣的殖民情境中,探討日本統治臺灣時期戰俘的生命狀態,進而開展裸命與抵抗、見證與記憶、遺忘與寬恕的倫理議題。


金瓜石戰俘營 裸命 見證 遺忘 寬恕


Toward the end of the Second World War, a myriad of prisoners of war, who were mostly soldiers of the British Commonwealth, were captured and forced by the Japanese Empire to extract copper in Kinkaseki-today's Jinguashi, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Their stories about life in the camp, little known and studied, have been largely ignored and forgotten for several decades. Among the historical accounts of POWs in Kinkaseki, Jack Edwards's book Banzai, You Bastards! (1990) narrates this history in unprecedented detail. As a survivor, he describes the painful life, unbearable suffering, and numerous deaths in the camp. In this paper, I employ the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's theory of biopolitics as a point of departure to deal with life issues in Banzai, You Bastards! I discuss the Kinkaseki POW Camp with reference to this thinker's concept of sovereignty and life, as well as examine the conditions of life endured by the war prisoners in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. I further extend my argument to explore ethical issues, such as bare life and resistance, witness and memory, and forgetting and forgiving.


the Kinkaseki POW Camp bare life witness forgetting forgiving


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