  • 期刊


The Relation of Non-Relation: On Foucault's Macro-Micro Analyses of Power and the Possibility of Dialectical Separation




關係性 傅柯 巴迪烏 生命政治 治理性 抵抗


Focusing on Foucault's genealogical inquiry of modern techniques of power, this paper explores how Foucault's late turn toward the question of governmentality sketches out a new configuration of power. Through the metaphorical lens of the Deleuzian concept of the fold, I attempt to unpack in Foucault's account the dynamic process of folding between the macro and micro analyses of power: from the sovereign power situated at the macro level to the micro-physics of the disciplinary power, then folding up again to the macro level through the registering of the population as a new biopolitical subject; the proper functioning of which paradoxically scales back to the micro level, as it relies on a security apparatus strategically engaging all the actors of a given milieu in a relationship of co-causality. It then appears that the concept of governmentality, as the culminating synthesis of Foucault's analysis of power, would recast the power/resistance nexus in terms of permanent provocation-hence, an interminable relation of non-relation. However, there is yet another folding that gives rise to a dialectical separation, allowing puissance de vie to break out of the aporetic structure of the non-relational relation and acquire a rationality of its own, a rationality of revolt.


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