  • 期刊

Growth Hormone Effect on Hypophysectomized Rats with Hypothalamic Lesions



切除腦下腺後,體重九十克至一百克之大白鼠四十四隻,分為四組:(A)接受模擬手術,並每日皮下注射生理塩水0.2毫升一次;(B)接受模擬手術,並每日皮下注射溶在0.2毫升生理塩水中之NIH S-7生長內分泌素0.5毫克一次;(C)破壞下視丘腹內侧核及中央突,並注射生理塩水;(D)破壞下視丘,並注射生長內分泌素。各鼠每天之食量,每隔二至三日之體重,以及施行手術和犧牲之日之鼻枕長度,均加测量。施行下視丘破壞手術四十日後,犧牲各鼠,分別測定其體內脂肪,水分和乾燥殘渣量,以及股骨長度。同時,以肉眼檢視腦部破壞處。則見切除腦下腺之大白鼠接受生長內分泌素後,其鼻枕長度和股骨長度與破壞下視丘且合併腦下腺切除之大白鼠再受生長內分泌素處理後所得者不相上下;惟前者之體脂肪遠少於後者。此結果令人了解,破壞下視丘腹內側核及中央突之斷奶幼鼠,其身長不及正常,或係生長內分泌素之劑量或用法不當,致其效果遜於正常大白鼠體內生長內分泌素,以及腦下腺分泌之其他促進生長之內分泌素之緣故。




Han, P. W. Growth hormone effect on hypophysectomized rats with hypothalamic lesions. Crinese J.Physiol.,20(2):109-116,1968.-Forty four hypophysectomized(hypex)rats weighing 90 to 110g were divided into 4 groups: Sham operation plus saline injections(0.2ml,subc once daily);sham operation plus GH injections(NIH S-7,0.5mgin 0.2ml saline, subc once daily);VMM lesions plus saline injections; and VMM lesions plus GH injections. Individual food intake(daily),body weight(once every 2 to 3 days), and nose-occipital length(on days of operation and autopsy)were measured. On the 40th day after hypothalamic operation all rats were killed and their carcass fat, water and dry residue weights were determined and their femur length measured. Brains were grossly examined for the lesion site. The GH-treated hypex rats and the GH-treated hypex rats with lesions were found to have the same gain in nose-occipital length and the same femur length; but the former rats contained significantly less carcass fat than the rats with lesions. These findings support the idea that the failure to restore the linear growth of weanling rats with VMM lesions to normal was because the dosage and method of administration of GH were inadequate, and were less effective than the endogenous GH and other pituitary growth-promoting hormones of a normal rat.


