  • 期刊

Distribution of Lipid Fractions and Levels of Central Nervous System



本實驗用四隻土產犬之中樞神經作脂質化學分析,手術前二十四小時犬卽停飼,手術時先麻醉(Pentobarbital 30 mg/kg i.p.)俟其昏迷時,用生理鹽水沖洗血液殆盡。取左側額葉與頂葉之大腦皮層,中線以左小腦皮層,中腦基底核之上腦幹,橋腦和延腦之下腦幹,第三至六節胸脊髓,第二至五節腰脊髓,各部齊備,分別作含水量及脂質分析之測定。由濕組織中算出腦脊髓軸各部分之含水量由上而下依次減低,中性脂肪變異不一。將濕組織各別換算成脫脂乾組織後,再作統計發現各脂類之變異趨於混亂,此係含水量和總脂量相互增減所致;而犬年齡及發育情况,更為耐人尋味之問題。




Yen, Y. C., G. W. Wang and A. C. Liu. Distribution of lipid fractions and levels of central nervous system. Chinese J.Physiol.,20(2):145-150,1968.-Chemical studies were made on the central nervous system of four dogs sacrificed 24 hours after fasting under pentobarbital(30 mg/kg,i.p.).When blood-free, left frontal and parietal lobes of cerebral cortex, left cerebellar cortex from the middle line, basal ganglia of midbrain of upper brain stem, pons and medulla of lower brain stem, T(subscript 3-6)of the thoracic cord and L(subscript 2-5)of the lumbar cord were removed for water content study and lipid analysis. With the wet tissue, the water content showed a declining trend and triglyceride exhibited random changes along the neural axis. When the wet tissue unit of each observation was converted into fat-free dry tissue, the trend of change of each lipid fraction was so disturbed that no head or tail could be made out. The reason of this disparity between the ways of treating data was explained partily on the opposite trend of change between water content and the total lipid fraction. The role played by breeding and aging in this matter remained open while other questions were raised.


