  • 期刊

Contribution of Regional Circulations to the Pulmonary Edema and Hemorrhage Induced by Epinephrine







Chen, H. I., S. J. Chen, L. Kuo, and S. D. Tzeng. Contribution of regional circulations to the pulmonary edema and hemorrhage induced by epinephrine. Chinese J. Physiol. 22(4): 141-148, 1978. In anesthetized and vagotomized rats, pulmonary edema and hemorrhage (PEH) was induced by a large intravenous dose of epinephrine (EP). The values of lung index (LI), which denotes the lung wt/body wt X 100, were 1.46±0.20 and 1.78±0.24 (mean±SD) respectively after an injection of EP, 100 and 200 μg/kg. Exclusion of the hindquarters circulation slightly reduced the extent of PEH, the LI being 1.24±0.18 and 1.54±0.19 for EP of 100 and 200 μg/kg. After occlusion of the abdominal aorta and vena cava, the degree of PEH was greatly reduced. The values of LI were 0.62±0.10 and 0.71±0.09, respectively following an EP injection of 100 and 200 μg/kg. These values were only slightly higher than the normal value of0.54±0.06.An analysis was made to evaluate the relative contribution of regional circulations to the PEH induced by EP. For an injection of EP 100 and 200 μg/kg, the supra-diaphragmatic circulation contributes 8.7% and 13.7% respectively, while the hindquarters circulation 23.9% and 21.0% respectively of the total pulmonary changes. The most significant portion of the circulation is the abdominal circulation which contributes 67.4% and 65.3% to the PEH induced by EP of 100 and 200 μg/kg, respectively.
