  • 期刊

A Dynamic Model of Ozone Disinfection in a Bubble Column with Oxygen Mass Transfer



本文建立氣泡槽中臭氧消毒動態模式。氣泡反應槽在實廠及實驗室中已廣泛應用於臭氧消毒程序。臭氧由氧氣經過臭氧產生機而產生臭氧及氧氣的混合氣體,再導入氣泡槽底部的氣體分散設備。此臭氧氣液接觸系統在達到濃度穩定前,會有一段暫態且穩定的過程。目前已知的臭氧消毒模式,大多都是用來描述穩定態時臭氧及微生物的濃度分佈。此外,氧氣的質量傳輸在模式中通常都被忽略。這些資訊對於要當地操作一臭氧消毒氣泡槽是很重要的。因此本研究提出動態軸向延散模式應用於預測氣泡槽中臭氧、微生物及氧氣的濃度變化。模擬時的條件係根據Marinas et al. (1993)的實驗條件,並以大腸桿菌(E. coli)為目標微生物。本動態模式可預測氣泡槽中相關臭氧消毒變數,具有實用性。




The dynamic process of disinfection with ozone in a bubble column is studied for model establishment. Bubble columns have been widely used for ozone disinfection in plants and laboratories. Ozone is produced by passing oxygen-enriched gas through an ozone generator, and introduced into the bottom of a column equipped with a gas-diffuser. There certainly exists a temporary and unsteady period before the ozone disinfection system reaches steady state. Available ozone disinfection models employed to describe dissolved ozone and surviving microorganism profiles have commonly been developed for steady state. Moreover, oxygen maxx transfer has usually been neglected in previous ozone disinfection models. However, this information is desirable for the proper operation of ozone disinfection in a bubble column. Thus, the objective of this study was to model and investigate the dynamic ozone disinfection process in a bubble column with oxygen mass transfer. A dynamic axial dispersion model is proposed and was employed to predict the variation of the ozone, microorganism and oxygen concentrations along the column. The results of prediction were obtained based on the conditions of Marinas et al. (1993). E. coli was chosen as the model microorganism. The dynamic model of ozone inactivation is useful for proper prediction of the variables of an ozone disinfection system in a bubble column.