  • 期刊

Ultrastructure of the Cells in Root Apical Meristem of Phaseolus Associated with Germination


The cellular changes in EM level occurring in the promeristem of root tip of Phaseolus radiatus Linn, associated with the germination were observed. The obvious changes were the rearrangement and reorganization of cytoplasmic organelles, and the increase in clarity of membrane system in this stage.The following important changes were noted as germination time was prolonged: migration of lipid bodies form the periphery of cell to throughout much of cytoplasm, and a decrease in their number; starch-containing plastids became scarce; the dispersing of the Golgi vesicles from the edge of the dictyosome throughout the cytoplasm; the increase of the irregular or reticulated dictyosome. The possible role of some organelles such as: lipid bodies and plastids in the early stage of germination is also discussed.


