  • 期刊

Taxonomy of Subgenus Bladhia of Ardlsia (Myrsinaceae)



本文依形態特徵檢討梅滋(Mez)在西元1902年處理全世界紫金牛科時,於紫金牛屬中所成立鋸齒亞屬(Bladhia)之植物。根據研究結果得知,該亞屬中的種類並非自然的一羣,其中兩種應另成為華紫金牛亞屬(Sect. Chinensis)之必要。鋸齒亞屬的特徵應修正為:灌木或亞灌木;花序僅由苞葉腋或皆由苞葉腋和葉腋生出;胚珠4~15粒,成一輪至三輪排列(絕大多數成一輪),中央獨立胎座;葉輪生或近于輪生(極少數成互生),有鋸齒或細鋸齒或流蘇狀鋸齒;莖上有苞葉;植物體有單列狀毛,頭狀毛,或二長細胞頭狀毛。由花序的位置推測,鋸齒亞屬可能和高木亞屬(Subg. Tinus)有相近的親緣性,但此觀點仍待商榷。具有兩種的華紫金牛亞屬的特徵為:花序限生於葉腋;5~8個胚珠成一至二輪排列;葉互生,全緣或有波狀緣或有粗而不銳的鋸齒;莖上無苞葉,幼嫩部份和葉背有不規則形狀的盾狀麟片。以花序、萼片、胚珠排列、和鱗片等特徵推論, 此新成立的亞屬和腋序亞屬(Subg. Akosmos)有較密切的親緣關係。就地理分佈而言,鋸齒亞屬從印度東北方的阿薩姆向東至馬來半島、爪哇、婆羅洲、中南半島、菲律賓、中國大陸東南各省、臺灣、琉球、韓國、日本。而華紫金牛亞屬在馬來半島、越南有零星分佈外,主要在中國大陸的東南各省、臺灣和琉球。




Twenty-four species of subgenus Bladhia (Thunb.) Mez and two species of subgenus Chinensia (Nakai) Yang of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) are recognized in this treatment. Subgenus Bladhia is redefined as the shrubby or subshrubby plants having axillary inflorescences from hypsophylls only or from both leaves and hypsophylls, 4-15 ovules in 1-3 series (mostly 4-6 ovules in one series) on the free central placenta, serrate or serrulate or fimbriate-serrulate leaves subverticillately arranged, hypsophylls on stems, and uniseriate and/or round-capitate and/or elongate-bicellular-capitate hairs on young stems, leaves, and inflorescences. On account of the position of inflorescences, this subgenus is possibly related to subgenus Tinus of Ardisia. However, the question concerning its allied subgenus is still open.Subgenus Chinensia consisting of 2 species is delimited by having axillary inflorescences only from the leaves, 5-8 ovules in 1-2 series, leaves alternately arranged, coarsely dentate or undulate or entire, no hypsophylls, scales irregularly peltate on young stems, etc. Subgenus Akosmos is closely related to subgenus Chinensia as is evidenced by the similarity in inflorescences, calyx-lobes, series of ovules, leaf venation, and trichomes.Geographically, subgenus Bladhia extends from Assam, northeast of India, to the Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo, Indochina, the Philippines South and East Mainland China, Taiwan, the Ryukyus, Japan, and Korea. Subgenus Chinensia is sporadically distributed in the Malay Peninsula, Indochina, and mostly distributed in South and East Mainland China, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus.This study gives a taxonomic history of the subgenus concerned and a systematic treatment of vegetative and reproductive structures as well as foliar venation.




Ku, C. (2011). 紫金牛葉瘤共生菌之鑑定及與宿主之共譜系分析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01917
