  • 期刊

Vegetation Pattern and Woody Species Composition of a Broad-Leaved Forest at the Upstream Basin of Nantzuhsienhsi in Mid-southern Taiwan





A 8.37-ha plot of the broad-leaved forest at an elevation of about 2000 m in the upstream basin of the Nantzuhsienhsi River in mid-southern Taiwan was set up for long-term monitoring of forest dynamics. All stems with diameter at breast height (d. b. h.) ≧1 cm were identified, measured, tagged, and mapped to analyze the forest composition, structure and species diversity of the plot. A total of 18,790 woody plant individuals, belonging to 64 species in 27 families, were recorded. The dominant families were Lauraceae, Fagaceae, and Theaceae, accounting for 78.8% of total individuals. The dominant species were Castanopsis carlesii, Machilus japonica, Listea acuminate, and Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides. The most abundant species in the canopy layer was Castanopsis carlesii, in the subcanopy layer was Listea acuminate, and in the shrub layer were Machilus japonica and Listea acuminata. Four plant communities were identified based on Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) classification, including three evergreen forest types and one deciduous forest type. The three evergreen types are Machilus japonica type, locating on the east and west valleys and partial lower slopes, Machilus japonica-Castanopsis carlesii type, locating on middle to lower slopes and the central dry valley, and Schima superba-Castanopsis carlesii type, locating on eastern ridge and upper slopes. The deciduous type is Alnus formosana forest which is distributed on mid-west and southwestern ridges. The means of species number, density and basal area for different forest types declined gradually from ridge to valley habitats. These results reveal that topography is an important factor which is closely related to the distribution of evergreen broad-leaved forest types in the plot.


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