  • 期刊

Genus Fissidens Hedw. (Fissidentaceae, Bryopsida) at Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (Madhya Pradesh), India



研究印度潘恰瑪生物保留區之苔類植物相,總共發現六種鳳尾苔屬植物分布於本區之八個地點。包括Fissidens asperisetus var. andamanensis Gangulee、F. ceylonensis Doz. Et Molk.、 F. crispulus var. crispulus Brid.、 F. involutus Wils. Ex Mitt.、 F. pulchellus Mitt. 及F. taxifolius Hedw.。其中F. asperisetus var. andamanensis Gangulee是印度中部苔蘚植物地理區之新紀錄種,而F. ceylonensis和F. involutus這兩種則是本區之新紀錄種。這六種除F. taxifolius為附生,其餘都是土生。


Studies on the moss flora of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (PBR), Madhya Pradesh, India, have revealed the occurrence of six taxa of the genus Fissidens Hedw., namely F. asperisetus var. andamanensis Gangulee, F. ceylonensis Doz. et Molk., F. crispulus var. crispulus Brid., F. involutus Wils. ex Mitt., F. pulchellus Mitt., F. taxifolius Hedw., belonging to the family Fissidentaceae (Bryopsida), distributed in 8 localities of the region. Among these, F. asperisetus var. andamanensis Gangulee is new to central Indian bryogeographical region while F. ceylonensis and F. involutus are new to PBR. The species scatter at various localities of the PBR, mostly terrestrial, but with a single epiphytic species of F. taxifolius.


Gupta, R., Nath, V., & Asthana, A. K. (2016). Present Status of Family Dicranaceae (Bryophyta) in Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Central India. TAIWANIA, 61(3), 253-259. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2016.61.253
