  • 期刊

Jasminum extensum Wall. ex G. Don (Oleaceace), a New Record to the Flora of Vietnam

來自越南的素馨屬(木犀科)新紀錄分布-Jasminum extensum Wall. ex G. Don


Jasminum extensum以往的分布紀錄在印度、中國南方及泰國,本文報導了在越南首次發現的新分布紀錄。本種可從革質狀的葉及由中肋延伸的5-6條主脈辨認並與其相近種Jasminum pierreanum區分開來。本文一併提供分類、型態、棲地、生態與標本資訊以及圖片以供物種鑑定。


One rare, poorly known species from India, South China and Thailand - Jasminum extensum Wall. ex G. Don is recently discovered in Vietnam representing a new record to the flora of the country. The plant differs from its closely related species viz. Jasminum pierreanum in having coriaceous leaves and 5-6 primary veins in each side of the mid-rib. Detailed information on taxonomy, types, morphology, habitat, ecology, distribution and studied voucher specimens, as well as illustrations are provided here for species identification.


Flora of Vietnam Jasminum new record Oleaceae Taxonomy


Greene, P. S. 2003. Synopsis of the Oleaceae from the Indian Sub-Continent. Kew Bulletin 58 (2): 257–295.
Chang, M. C., L. Q. Qui, Z. Wei and P. S. Green. 1996. Jasminum. In: Wu, Z. and Raven, P.H. (eds). Flora of China. 15: 307–319. Science Press, Beijing, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, U.S.A.
Gagnepain, F. 1933. Oleaceae. In: M. H. Lecomte (ed.). Flore Générale de L’Indochine 3: 1034–1084. Masson et Cie, Paris.
Green, P. S. 2000. Oleaceae. In: Santisuk, T. and Larsen, K. (eds). Flora of Thailand 7: 271–340. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ho, P. H. 2003. Cay Co Viet Nam (An illustrated flora of Vietnam). Vol. 2: 881–899. Nha Xuat Ban Tre, TP. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
