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New taxonomic treatments for three enigmatic scientific names of Taiwan fern flora


Based on the collections of U. Faurie from Formosa (i.e. Taiwan), E. Rosenstock published 40 new fern taxa in 1915. However, there are still some scientific names remaining enigmatic to date. Due to the reexaminations of their type specimens as well as the related protologues, three names are here identified and reduced to synonyms under different fern taxa. A fourth name remains ambiguous.


E. Rosenstock Flora Fern Formosa Synonymy Taiwan Taxonomy U. Faurie


Huang, Y.M., H.M. Chou, J.C. Wang and W.L. Chiou. 2007. The distribution and habitats of the Pteris fauriei complex. Taiwania 52(1): 49-58. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(1).49
Chao, Y.S., A. Ebihara, W.L. Chiou and Y.M. Huang. 2017. Pteris latipinna sp. nov. (Pteridaceae), a new species segregated from Pteris fauriei. PhytoKeys 85: 95-108. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.85.14884
Holttum, R.E. and P.J. Edwards. 1986. Studies in the fern-genera allied to Tectaria II. Dryopsis, a new genus. Kew Bull. 41(1): 171-204. DOI: 10.2307/4103042
Huang, Y.M., H.M. Chou, T.H. Hsieh, J.C. Wang and W.L. Chiou. 2006. Cryptic characteristics distinguish diploid and triploid varieties of Pteris fauriei (Pteridaceae). Can. J. Bot. 84(2): 261-268. DOI: 10.1139/b05-160
Lellinger, D.B. 1968. Notes on Ryukyu ferns. Amer. Fern Journ. 58(4): 155-158. DOI: 10.2307/1545950


CHAO, Y. S., CHIOU, W. L., EBIHARA, A., HSU, T. C., CHANG, Y. H., & LIN, C. Y. (2021). Taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in the Pteris fauriei group (Pteridaceae). TAIWANIA, 66(3), 307-316+s1-19. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2021.66.307
